Sunday 16 November 2008

Refinery Pictures

Alright here is my version of the refinery, which is almost done. I haven't done the passagway that connects to the back of the refinery because I don't have the enviroment Lewis has done, so I'll create it once I do. Ok here's what's going on, if you look at picture 5 (the one just above) we have the main building of where the mine carts passes through. To its right we have a storage building which looks a bit like a big shed, there's also a passage that connects the two. To the left of the main building is these 4 cylinder type things. Not sure what they are exactly, but if you look at my Team Fortress pic I got the idea from that, which I persnoally think looks pretty good (let me know if you want it taken out). Now if you look in the distance you'll see this huge smoke tower, and another block called the boiler, if you look closely in pictures 2 & 3 you'll see a little rectangle attached to the big tower, which will be attached to the boiler.
This is what I've done so far so let me know what you think. If you look at my previous post on my personal blog or maybe the group blog, you'll see that I posted a question about where the tracks go. I'll elaborate more on this even further on my next post.

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