Wednesday, 29 October 2008


It's simple but here is my concept of part of the mine. A bit simple but an interesting setting if I do say so I really need to get back into practice with photoshop. -_-

An old Rail Switch

This is an old rail switch captured near the old railway station in leuenberg (germany / brandenburg)

Tuesday, 28 October 2008

Pumpkin Hill SA 2

This stage is from SA 2 (Sonic Adventure 2). I thought, that this would make a great reference to make a horror or a strange feel for our environment. Yay I spelled it Right! ^__^

OMV's Schwechat refinery in Vienna, Austria

Here's a reference of a refinery in Vienna Austria.

Saturday, 25 October 2008

Dead Mans Quarry

I was trying to get a scary haunted feel with this, though I don't think it worked too well. -__-

Thursday, 23 October 2008

I really like the beginning of this opening, like the camera movement through the city for instance. This is the opening of Soul Eater found on youtube. We could show our enviroment by putting the camera on the cart and let it the camera show what's going on as it moves through town.

The art look

I like the look of this, the visual is very comical and interesting. This was done by Lewis's brother Daryl Taylor. This clip was found on youtube, by typing in Taydar.

Tuesday, 21 October 2008

Shack Drawing

A shack drawing.

Saturday, 18 October 2008

My own concept

This is just one of the concepts, I'm doing.

Concept Bridge

I thought this would be good.

Friday, 17 October 2008

Another area

Here's another one for Inspiration. Astur Belga de Minas S.A. An abandoned mercury mine in the middle of the mining area of Asturias, Spain; decommissioned in the 70's.

Wooden Bridge

Maybe these bridges can be used to connect some of the shacks together or for trasnporting stuff. This can act like an overpass.


I should keep this in mind, but bust it up, make it mooden and bruck up. However it doesn't have to be all wooden, perhaps it could reinfoced with tiles, and metal for the roof?

Another watermill

This makes a good prop to consider.

Another house possiblity

I like this, especially the watermill on the side.

Wooden house

I can use this as a basis for a shack, in the mine village. Think RE4 and you'll get the point.

This pic I found on google, I like the layers effect of the layout. Makes me think that if the surface area of those layers were big enough, could have little shacks on them.